I don't know what exactly would happen if Jesus came back today, but there are a few things I do know for sure...
I know for sure that he would not present as a cis gender, straight, white male. More likely, he'd manifest as a non-gender, asexual, person of color... which, to be honest, was probably much closer to the actual Jesus of the Bible (I know, I know... "Jesus was white! We seen the picture books!").
I know for sure He wouldn't come from an upscale, wealthy, well-educated background; more like an "inner-city" upbringing, educated in public schools, son of a day laborer... again, much like the Jesus of the Bible.
I know his disciples would not consist of politicians, pastors, bankers, or accountants, rather, field workers, ex-cons, recovering addicts, sex workers, and queers. Church leaders would rattle their Bibles in his face and exclaim, "Why do you consort with these people?" And he would respond, "If you understood God's will, you would not condemn the innocent. I have not come to heal the healthy, but the sick. Whatever you did not do for the least of these..." Then he would pick up a stone and offer it to them.
I know for certain, Jesus would be less concerned with consoling the Church and more interested in healing the sick, particularly those inflicted with Aids and HIV, the homeless, the schizophrenic and mentally ill, the drunkards and drug addicts, all of the people who society deems "unclean" -- those would be the people he would tend to first.
I know that He would preach love, above all else, for your fellow man. Unconditional love, not for your brother (whom it's easy to love), but for your enemy - the people who don't share your politics, religion, race, skin color, marital status, disabilities (or lack thereof), social status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. He would remind us that "love" is unconditional and clearly defined in 1 Corinthians 13; it in no way mentions "judgement" or "correcting your brother in love" or "loving the sinner but hating the sin" -- Just pure, unconditional love,.
I know Jesus would rage against the Church's greed. He would infect their fundraising websites with viruses, sabotage their satellite feeds, and set fire to their offertory mailings. His tirades would be blasted out on TikTok videos, with the the text "My house is a place of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves!" scrolled in CAPS across the page in Futura font.
He would hold accountable the leaders of His church and the hypocrisy that plagues His people. He would not turn a blind eye to the gossipers, hypocrits, and trouble makers because "they are tithing elders" -- No, he would condemn them and demand their repentance. He would point out the blatant cherry-picking of scripture verses used to strengthen their narratives and justify their hatred and line their pockets. He would weep at the bastardization of His Word for the purpose of acting on their prejudices to persecute anyone "in the name of love" who was different from them - Not just the queers and Arabs, but anyone who doesn't sing in their choir, dunk in their baptismal, play in their band or wear their uniform - anyone who is different.
He would beat his breast and exclaim, "Woe to you hypocrites! You have given your tithes, but neglected the more important matters of mercy, justice, and faithfulness!'
Jesus would be (nearly) the exact manifestation today as he was 2000 years ago. And they would hate him for it. The very people who claim to love Him would rally their lawyers, incite the masses, and light their torches. They would sign petitions and write their congressmen, demanding the blasphemer silenced. He would be brought in front of a Congressional hearing where he would refuse to fight, silently taking The Fifth. The government would find no fault in him, but would cower to the will of the masses. He would be defamed and canceled. His people, who routinely eat their own, would serve him up on a platter.
To be sure, I don't know everything that would happen if Jesus came back today, but I do know this:
The Church would crucify Him.