Tuesday, March 12, 2013

3 T's

In order to foster any relationship, either with God or man, we must do three things:
  • Time – Spend time with each other.  Relationships don’t happen over night.
  • Talk – Communication is a two-way street.  We must remember listen as much as we talk.  (When we tune in, like a radio, we begin to feel God’s voice.)
  • Trust – Every solid relationship finds its foundation in trust.  (We must trust God and surrender to His will.)
We bear the image of God, who exists in three forms - Father, Son, and Spirit.  In as such, we contain  three parts as well – body, mind, and soul.  Unlike God, however, our parts commonly fail to effectively communicate, or agree, under most circumstances.
     For instance... as I get older, my metabolism slows down.  My mind understands the necessity of healthy living and tells my body to eat right and exercise. Unfortunately, my body insists on adapting to every new exercise and diet, requiring my mind to come up with a new diet and exercise plan every couple of months.  In essence, my mind must resort to trickery in order to fool my body into a higher metabolic rate.  Mind and body insist upon working independently.
     When I was young, I saw something that I wanted but could not afford.  My mind said, “just take it.”  My soul, which represents my moral compass, said “it’s not yours to take.”  I had a veritable angel and devil on each shoulder.  Unfortunately, these trappings have followed me into adulthood.  When someone wrongs me, my soul begs me to forgive that person.  On the other shoulder, my mind resists, desiring to hold onto the grudge.  My mind and soul exist in perfect disagreement.
    In order to stay healthy, our bodies require food and exercise, our minds require knowledge, and our souls require spiritual/moral growth and fellowship.  Our mind, body, and soul live at constant odds with one another, working against the greater good.  If but one of these things falls to the wayside,  a vacant hole develops, begging our attention.  We grow unhappy, unhealthy, and discontent.  Naturally, in an attempt to fill the hole we may turn to food, money, or sex and empty relationships.  There are those of us, however, who turn to alcohol and/or drugs in an attempt to douse the expanding flame of hopelessness. The trick becomes finding long term satisfaction.  How do we do that?

The first step to becoming whole again:  Spend time talking to God, listening to His will and trusting He will make all things right.

So simple, yet so difficult to master.

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