Sunday, February 5, 2012

Step #2 - Fake it 'til you make it

Step #2 - "Came to believe that a power greater than us could restore us to sanity."

Translation:  "We had to finally admit that God exists and that he alone can bring some order to our chaotic lives."  I know what you're thinking, "Oh, gawd!  God?  Here we go with the 'religious freak' stuff.  Gawd!"

Of all the steps, this is one of the trickiest.  Many of us have spent our entire lives building tremendous resentments against God.  We have put a great deal of time and effort into deconstructing the idea of a divine creator.  Now you're telling us we have to acknowledge that such a being exists in order to straighten out our lives?  What a ripoff!

Relax.  I get it.  I've been there.  Religion's filled with 'holier than thou' hypocritical bigots, right?  I mean, who wants to participate in an institution where people look down their noses and condemn others to hell?  Only a fool would surround himself with such a gaggle of judgmental zealots!

I've got good news ... you're not mad at God, you're mad at RELIGION.  There's a huge difference.  The Church happens to be an institution run by human beings.  Humans, by nature, are fallible.  Even theological records show a God at constant odds with His own followers due to their stiff-necked ignorance.   It's a tale as old as time.

There's more good news... God requires only that you follow Him, not His people.  Dealing with God's followers is in no way a prerequisite for establishing a relationship with Him.   (note: there's no theological basis for believing God is inherently male. "Him, Her, It" ... whatever works for you)

Still not convinced?  Not to worry, there's another option ... "Fake it 'til you make it."  You don't have to believe in God with all your heart, mind, and soul in order to continue onto the next step - you just have to try.  

Many people struggle with this concept.  In order to get through Step #2, they will pick something, anything, to represent "God."  The ocean, a tree, or even a doorknob becomes their representation of a Higher Power.  They focus their prayer and spiritual comfort on that object until God reveals his true form.  They "fake it 'til they make it."

Still others choose "The Group" as their God.  The rooms of Recovery, along with the people who make up the group, become the embodiment of a Higher Power.

WARNING! Some things to consider when making inanimate objects and 'The Group' your God:
  • A doorknob offers little in the way comfort during times of struggle, NEVER answers prayer, and succeeds only at achieving total stagnation as a deity. 
  • 'The Group', much like the Church, is comprised of human beings who struggle with their own defects.  Inevitably, people (rife with imperfection) will fail you.
I'm not knocking these methods.  If they manage to introduce you to the true Creator, I'm all for it.  Just be sure to have realistic expectations when choosing these paths.

I know, I know... you'll feel like an idiot, right?  One question...To what lengths are you willing travel in order to regain control of your life?  If you answered, "Any lengths," it's time to stuff your pride, put on your big-boy pants, and hit your knees.  Draw nearer to God and He will draw nearer to you.  Nobody ever said change would be easy.  Trying something new takes adjustment and work.

Just remember, your best thinking got you where your are today.


  1. Guy,

    Bill said for him the key was willingness. All he had to do was be willing to believe in a power greater than himself to make his start... Bill says he built his program on a foundation of complete willingness... I like that, I may not understand or believe something or someone, but I can be willing. It took the pressure off, and made all the difference.
