Saturday, February 4, 2012

Step #1

Step #1 - "We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol/addiction and our lives had become unmanageable."

In a nutshell, you have to admit that you have a problem.  Simple.

Let's take a trip back in time.  Remember for a moment, if you will, your High School career.  You had dreams, hopes, and aspirations.   What did you want to be when you grew up?  A doctor, lawyer, teacher, scientist, social worker, movie star, professional athlete, housewife or firefighter perhaps?  Most of all, when you peered 10-20 years into your future, did you see yourself as a happy person?  Was your "future self" someone who had made all the right choices, resulting in a successful, joyous, and fruitful life?  

Now ... take a look at where you are today.  How's all that working out for ya?  Not quite what you had envisioned?  Welcome to Step #1!

Step 1 is both the easiest and hardest step to conquer.   The easiest because, in theory, if you're even contemplating taking the step, you know you have a problem and something needs to change.  The hardest because it's the FIRST STEP in completely changing your miserable life.  

Nobody likes change.  But not to worry, this step requires no change at all.  Step #1 simply requires you to take an honest look at your life and admit that things have not turned out exactly as you envisioned them to be.  That's it!

Step #1 Fun Facts:  
  • It is the only step that involves any form of physical addiction or malady (Steps 2-12 focus on spiritual and moral reparations).
  • You don't have to be an alcoholic or addict to take this step:  Simply replace those terms with one of your own choosing (overeating, gambling, gossiping, jealousy, sin, etc.).
  • A journey of 1000 miles begins with the FIRST STEP.
  • It is the only step that you must get 100% right prior to moving on to the next step (the rest only require completion to "the best of your ability").
The key to Step #1 is admitting, out-loud to others, the nature of your defect.  In the rooms of Recovery, we call this Identifying.  "Hi, my name is [your name here] and I'm an [your malady here]."  It's that simple.  I know, I know ... it's embarrassing!  Well, I'm guessing a little humility would probably do you a world of good, so get over yourself and take the step.

Now bear in mind, you don't have to follow any of these guidelines to recovery. They are merely suggestions.  The choice is yours.  It's kind of like skydiving ... when you launch yourself out of a plane at 15,000 feet, it is suggested that you pull the ripcord at some point during your decent.  You don't have to, it's merely a suggestion.  The choice is yours.

Me, I choose to pull the ripcord.  So here goes...

"I am an addict.  I am a drinker, a drunkard, a lush, a gutter bum and rummy.  I will drink anything that you put in front of me and anything you leave behind.  I am a stoner, a stumblebum, an alcy, a wino, an inebriate, a drunk, a loader and a waistoid.  “Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em.”  If you’ve got ‘em and you don’t want to smoke ‘em right now, keep an eye on ‘em, or I’ll smoke ‘em when you’re not looking.  I’ll smoke yours, hers, his, and theirs; then I’ll get down on the ground and look for any that may have been dropped by mistake.  

I am under the influence, intoxicated, high, smashed and totally loaded.  “Bottoms up!” got me where I am - the bottom of the bottle and barrel.  Rock bottom.  I am the source of your embarrassment, your shame, your denial, your loneliness and your pain.  I am he who stands at the freeway onramp; the one you pretend to ignore.  I am the dregs of society and the leaders of nations, the transients and the upper crust.  I am your brother, your sister, your father, your mother, your daughter and your son.  

Hi, my name is Guy and I am an alcoholic." (yep... feels right!)

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