Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Bad Apples

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke

I've been a member of many churches, AA groups, and fellowships. At the core of every one of them was the promotion of unity, love, and compassion. Yet, without fail, nearly every one of these groups became overrun by bad apples; bullies who forced their will upon those around them, then went to war with anyone who would dare oppose.

These "Bad Apple Takeovers" seem to be universal across the board. 

So, why do good men do nothing?

The very nature of a good person is to promote kindness, empathy, compassion and good will. By nature, the good person wants nothing to do with negativity. As such, they remain silent or move on to another fellowship, whereby leaving a void to be filled by the responsible bad apple. 

Conversely, the nature of a bad apple is to pursue conflict, stir the pot of dissonance, and crush opposing voices. Once the good people are silenced or driven off, they proceed to gain control and run the group into the ground.

Therein lies their strength: The uncanny ability to convince others of the righteousness of their cause.

Once destroyed, the bad apple will find someone else to blame for the group's misfortune, then move onto another fellowship to repeat the process, ad infinitum. 

To be fair, these "bad apples" are rarely malicious. They REALLY believe they're doing what's best for the group. Their only fault lay in their utter incompetence coupled with a heightened arrogance that clouds the gift of self-reflection. 

What's the answer? Simple: Good men (and women) must DO something!

Conflict requires courage. Without courage, evil thrives.

Be good. Have courage. Do something.

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