Can you name many great businessmen from history? Perhaps names like Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Jobs, and Musk come to mind?
How about great humanitarians? Perhaps names like Jesus, Mohamed, Siddhartha, Gandhi and Martin Luther King top the list?
Of these two groups, who would you prefer to have coffee with? I'm guessing most people will choose the latter... the humanitarians.
We all would prefer to meet, dine, and chat with the humanitarians, yet so few of us strive to BE the humanitarians. Instead, we scrimp and claw for financial freedom and success. We yearn to reach the apex of stability and luxury, so we can put our feet up in comfort.
During the early days of the COVID Pandemic, a bizarre thing happened... Mobs of frightened people rushed to their nearest market, clambering to clear the shelves. Did they want water, batteries, canned food, or matches? NO. They wanted TOILET PAPER.
Panic stricken throngs, blinded by fear and selfishness, filled their carts with a year's supply of Charmin, leaving their neighbors with the unsavory option of wiping their backsides with leftover paper towels and napkins (which were soon gone, as well). They didn't give a thought to their immense selfishness -- their "Inconsiderate Meter" pinned squarely on "Me! Me! Mine!"
Human Nature.
But you are different. You have decided you will GIVE and not TAKE. As such, they find you, the "takers," and they take and take and take and take. They take what they need, what they don't need, and when they have enough, they demand "More! Give us more!"
You turn your pockets out, "I have no more to give."
"You don't care about us!" They cry. "You're selfish!"
Your limit reached, you are forced to set boundaries... that's when they turn on you. No longer are you the care-giver, the philanthropist, the saint; Now you are the greedy miser. The enemy.
"Wait!" you protest. "I gave you everything! Was that not enough for you to love me?"
"No." They say with a turn, "It was not."
Sadly, this is the world we live in. The world we've created. It is the antithesis of the message carried by every great thinker in the history of the world.
If you were to have coffee with MLK, Gandhi, Buddha, Mohamed, or Jesus, and ask them the purpose of life, every one of them would give you the same answer: "Humility, selflessness, compassion."
To "take" is human. To "give" is divine.